Wednesday 5 November 2014

5 Tips to Increase Metabolism

1.  Stop skipping meals!

Start the day by eating a lean and healthy breakfast. Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism especially after slow activity during the hours you were asleep. To keep it going, keep eating healthy and small meals throughout the day. Going for long periods of time without eating  or going on those crash diets only slows your metabolism down and makes you feel tired.
2.  Stay Hydrated!
Many times, you mistake thirst with hunger. Especially in the summer eat, its important that you are constantly drinking water. Your body needs water to process calories and even mild dehydration slows your metabolism down.
3.  Add extra Spice
Spicy foods, those that are seasoned with red or green chilli and chilli powder, kick your metabolism in the butt. So yes, go for that extra dash in your meals.
4.  Build muscle!
Don’t just go for a walk or a jog, hit the weights in the gym, especially in the morning to kickstart the day. In fact, did you know that our bodies constantly burn calories, even when we are resting? This resting metabolic rate is higher in those with more muscle. So don’t resist resistance training.
5.  Get Mean with Protein
Especially after you work out, eat lean protein to help build muscle. Your body spends more calories burning protein off than fat or carbs.  Tofu, nuts, lentils, lean meats are all options here.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Foods that Change Your Mood!

Carb Up!

Though they have a bad reputation, carbs stimulate the production of the feel good hormone, serotonin. Research shows that those on low carb or no carb diets tend to get depressed a week or two down the line because of low serotonin levels. Sources of healthy carbs are whole wheat bread and fruits like bananas, pears, and apples.


A little caffeine, like a cup or two of coffee or tea a day, can be an effective anti-depressant. Just remember that too much caffeine can make you irritable, oversensitive, and nervous – the complete opposite of what you are aiming for!

More Folic Acid

A deficiency in folic acid has been linked to depression because it decreases serotonin levels. If you are feeling low, squeeze out a glass of orange juice or indulge in palak paneer because spinach and oranges have plenty of folic acid


This one is a no brainer. Next time you are feeling low treat yourself to some chocolate because it boosts endorphin levels, the brains natural happy hormones. Dark chocolate particularly has some great health benefits such lowering blood pressure and being good for the heart.